Conception of the RCFMF
1- MORPHO-FUNCTIONAL MODEL: references of the "normal"
FAM: While it is true that "perfectly symmetrical cases" are rare, for didactic purposes, we define that a "normal" operation of the masticatory system (FAM) requires the status of the FIVE entities to be harmonious in the three directions of the space, and to be associated with orofacial functions and chewing with FOUR its conditions that are balanced.
- Harmonious three-dimensional craniofacial morphology
- Dental Articulation
- Disco-ligamentary system of TMJ
- General and local muscular harmony
- General functional posture, physiological
- Relation "Centrée" Fonctionnelle dans l'Espace de Rotation Condylien Physiologique
- Ouverture-Fermeture rectiligne
- Occlusion Pysiologique proche de la denture naturelle
- Mastication Fonctionnelle suivie d'une déglutition physiologique
2- MORPHO-DYSFUNCTIONAL MODEL: references of the "abnormal"
DAM is a syndrome characterized by a "biodynamic" unbalanced manducatory pattern. Any disruption in the joints, occlusal, local or general muscle, causing deviated mouth opening and closing, limited, hampered chewing, painful and disturbed swallowing, constitutes according to etiologies, dysfunctional syndrome of the minor adaptive masticatory system or major adaptive or pathological.
The dysfunction is adaptive minor in Morphological Basal Disharmony, Morphological Occlusal Disharmony (DOM) and disorders of the orofacial functions not associated with Abnormalities of Mandibular Posture (APM). Without touching on the posterior determinant, excursions are dysfunctional by deformities and disorders of the orofacial functions, NO pain, joint noises, deflection, blocking limitation.
The dysfunction is adaptive major in the basal (TMJ) deformities; Functional Occlusal Disharmony (DOF) and disorders of the orofacial functions associated with abnormalities of adaptive Mandibular Posture, themselves due to a pathological general posture, to craniofacial deformities or Occlusal Functional disharmony. This dysfunction touches on the posterior determinant where mandibular excursions are dysfunctional, but by adaptation they remain WITHOUT pain, joint noises, deflection, blocking, limitation, but with deviation between the rest position and OIM.
Finally the dysfunction is pathological (inevitably major) in relation to posture pathological Mandibular Defects, themselves due to the rupture of adaptation (by incoordination condylo- articular disc and / or disorders of bone structures, or muscle by muscle spasm during stress and hyperfunctions), therefore mandibular excursions are dysfunctional WITH pain (in acute cases), joint noises, deflection, blocking, limitation. Note that the pathological dysfunction may exist in patients WITH OR WITHOUT basal and / or alveolodental deformities and / or disorders of the orofacial functions. Let us add that these syndromes can be added to and that the etiologies may be genetic and / or acquired.